Monday, October 26, 2009

Avoiding road accidents

Road accidents are common and can affect a person’s life in a matter of seconds.

Drivers and passengers should ensure they take appropriate steps to minimise their injuries.

For example, adjusting a head restraint in a vehicle can reduce the pain caused and can prevent whiplash injuries following a collision.

Even a small push can result in whiplash injuries and although it may not occur there and then, it does not mean it won’t occur at all because whiplash injuries can occur days and even weeks following an accident.

Wearing seatbelts is also a must. Any damage caused to your back can be lifelong and by wearing a seatbelt, not only would you be saving yourself from days, months and even years of back pains, but you would also prevent yourself from flying out of the window if the impact of the accident is big.

Checking your tyre pressure and also ensuring you carry out adequate checks and services to your vehicle can also reduce the chances of getting involved in an accident.

However, despite all this, you can be the world’s safest driver, but this won’t mean that you will never be involved in an accident.

Road accidents are very popular now more than ever as the recession has lead to a rise in crash for cash scams where drivers intentionally break in front of another car leaving the car behind crashing into their car.

They then claim on the insurance against the other driver for damages and injuries suffered.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Auto Accident Insurance Claims - There Are Some Things You Need To do.

If you have been in an auto accident then you will likely have to file an auto accident insurance claim. This can prove to be quite a task dealing with insurance adjusters and the things that come with it. When filing an autoaccident insurance claim there are some things you should know that will prove to be essential to you.

Contact your insurance company very soon after the accident. This is the first one to call in case of injury also. Take time to read what pertains to your autoaccident insurance claim when you first receive your insurance policy this will help clear up any misunderstandings before accidents happen and will give you an idea of what your autoaccident insurance claim entitles you to instead of having to worry about it while your going through the trauma of an accident.

When you writing your statement include as much details of the auto accident as possible. You can reinforce your claim by taking pictures of the vehicle and any injuries that may have been sustained due to the auto accident. Take down names and numbers of any witnesses that may be able to help in proving your autoaccident insurance claim when the time comes. Remember to take notes on any other persons or vehicles that were involved in this accident because this is very important to your claim.

Keep all records pertaining to your claim. Write down when you have a conversation with the insurance officer, agents or anyone else that is involved with this autoaccident insurance claim. Remember to keep all the bills and receipts that you may incur during this time. It is important to be honest with your insurance company because if you are not you could be disqualified due to fraudulent reasons. An auto insurance claim has been turned down many times on these same bases.

Another important thing to remember is that you may make more than one auto accident insurance claim, so check any other policies you may be holding to verify this. Take time out to review all your policies. You may be entitled to file more that oneauto insurance claim, so make sure you claim for all that you are able to claim for.

When making an auto accident insurance claim there are some things that you must remember to do. Make sure you do them all and keep records.